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K2MX-K2 CW автоматический контроллер кода Морзе для Ham радио усилитель | Электроника
Подставка для мебели J1:buzzer mute; L/R:di/da or da/di F1 key can remember 60 words ,and it has power-off protection fuction. F2 key can remember 50 words , it doesn't protect the data when the power fails. R3 key is for speed control, speed getting fast when the value of R3 getting down. Record: Keep pressing on F1 /F2 for more then half second, you will hear 'M', now it records CW automatically. When it is all done, press F1/ f2, you will hear "S". It will remind you by "F" if you exceed the volume, and the extra par. It will noe be recorded. Message : Every message can not only be storaged by a long memory, it also can be separate into several parts by inputing EOM (End of Message)at the end of every segmentation. Play the segmentations: If you want play the second segmentation, just press the memory key 2 times; if you want the third one, then press the key 3times, et cetera . Command mode:press F1 AND F2 at the same time, you will hear "C",now it is under the mode of command End command mode: press F1 and F2 at same time again, or you can input "D" by pressing the auto key When you use the auto key,PIC will make a judgement: you will hear "R" for the right command, and "?" for invalid command. "A" :turn off the memory of long-short voice. "B" :turn on the memory of long-short voice. This is the most common command. "C" and "E": Repeat play. it will stop automatically after playing 255 times under the 'E'command mode. You just press the short voice auto key if you want to turn it off. Press it again, after keyer making the judgement of "R", it will be over. "C" can't sotp automatically, but it can be used as a sign. You just press the short voice auto key if you want to turn it off. Press it again, after keyer making the judgement of "R", it will be over. "D" ends the command mode, and goes back to common mode. "T" transfer command, it lasts for 30 seconds,then goes back to command mode. if you press auto key or memory key during T'S 30s, it will stop, and goes1399RUB